We believe that Garage is where ideas are born,
parts are tinkered with and groundbreaking products
are churned out.

Legacy of Garage Media
We create interesting ideas for brands that people find emotionally relevant and engage with in deeper, more meaningful ways.
Research proves time and again that the more interesting the idea, the more it gets noticed and captures hearts and minds. In a world where we are bombarded daily by thousands of messages, interesting gives you a commercial edge.
But we believe we are also morally obliged to make interesting work. Our industry’s output tends towards the formulaic and forgettable. Consumers often describe it as an irritant – or worse, as a social pollutant. We want to provide an antidote with ideas that absorb, reward and enrich the audience.
The world likes more interesting. The world needs more interesting. We deliver more interesting.
It is about doing something fresh and inimitable. What it means for clients is that we deliver intuitive, holistic and impactful digital solutions that lead to branding and ROI.

We Are On A Mission
We are a full service, digitally agency with a reputation for disruptive creative.
In the ever-evolving sea of white noise, Garage Media is on a mission to save the world from boring advertising, the type that’s always on repeat and never paid attention to.
It’s our belief that smart, sharp creative outperforms expensive media buys any day of the week. Forget about superficial impressions, we create direct hits which resonate with your audience on a human level.
Challenger brands come to us to fly and big brands come to soar.