7 DIGITAL    MARKETING    strategies

       tO RAMP  UP      YOUR SALES               2022

 SEO helps to attract high-quality traffic to the site for keywords and phrases related to your business.

     1. SEO  

 With this strategy, a startup can reach the right audience at the right time with high ROI as the expenditure is on a per-click basis.

     2. PPC

 An absolutely crucial strategy that involves creation, publication, and distribution of suitable and valuable content to the target audience..

     3. cONTENT      MARKETING

 A highly underused strategy that gets overlooked but with fundamental ingredients like engaging subject lines, persuasive language, and crisp content.

        4. E-mail          MARKETING

 Social Media is an effective way to help establish thought leadership, consumer loyalty, leads, and search ranking.

     5. sOCIAL  mEDIA            MARKETING

  Video marketing helps to attract, convert, and retain new customers via videos

     6.    Video            MARKETING